28 Mar 2009

Free Online Image Watermarking Tools

Although this is not so much about writing it is about protecting any of your own images that you may post on the net. Hotlinking to your images not only takes away some of your bandwidth but also infringes on your copyright. Even if an image is just copied and reposted, it's still a copyright issue.

There is very little one can do about this apart from adding a watermark to your images. These should be something obvious, such as your website domain. Then, although someone is still using your images without permission you're at least getting free advertising.

Any serious graphics package such as Paint Shop will have a watermarking tool. If, however, you either don't have such a package or are away from your normal computer and need to edit something quickly, then the two websites below offer a quick free watermarking tool.

Watermark Tool and Pixelrig both offer pretty much the same service, just depends which one you most like the look of. If you know of any others then just leave a comment.

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