18 Mar 2009

Articles Wanted on Travel in Asia - China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Singapore, Philippines

Title:Asian Travel Articles
Description:Travel articles related to different locations throughout
Amount of articles:3
Price per article:$30-40
Length of article:800-1200
Subjects:China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Mongolia,
travel, asia, cities

Title:Mongolia travel article
Description:Travel article on Mongolia
Amount of articles:1
Price per article:$30-40
Length of article:800-1500
Subjects:Mongolia, travel, asia

Go to Constant Content for full details.

1 comment:

  1. hi,

    im living in singapore and am a travel writer.
    Have been to 9 different places in china and will be going to 2 more in mind June.

    Am keen in writing the articles. email me at her.emerald@gmail.com



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