3 Apr 2009

New Age and Holistic Health Articles Wanted

Title:New Age/Holistic Articles

Description:I need articles related to subjects in the field of New Age
health, holistic health, alternative medicine, and general wellness. FULL
RIGHTS articles only!
Amount of articles:10-20
Price per article:$20-30
Length of article:at least 500 words
Subjects:Anti-Aging, Women's Health
(holistic approach), Meditation, Yoga, Zen gardens, herbs, vitamins, feng
shui, and just about anything New Age or holistic-based will be
considered. Date requested:2009-03-31 18:57:14 Other notes:I will ONLY be
purchasing Full Rights articles. These must be unique and original and
never used anywhere else.

For full details click here.

1 comment:

  1. Pay is ridiculously low for full rights. I wouldn't sell one-time electronic rights for that little pay.


All comments are lightly moderated. Any comments deemed to be mere advertising will be removed. If you want a link to your site then create a link to any of our pages and the source will appear in the list of backlinks - it is a fair exchange. Anything else deemed offensive, or merely pointless, will also be removed. If you wish to submit an article then best go to the Submit an Article link in the top right column.
