4 Jun 2009

"Why credit report errors appear on my credit report and how to fix them" Article Wanted

Title: Why credit report errors appear on my credit report and how to fix them.

Description:Please try to identify a lot of reasons why the errors get into the credit report. Explain how these errors can be prevented.

Did you know that simple mistake in your name in credit application will automatically add this name as a variation of your name on your credit report, a mistake in social security number will be added to the report as well.

Amount of articles:1
Price per article:$40-50
Length of article:600

Subjects:Please don't write simple blah blah, I need facts and examples, be detailed. Try to dig deeper and find more reasons. The article should be logical from beginning to the end. I will pay for this article $40 for unique rights and $50 for full rights if I like the article.


To find out full details please click on one of the links above. This freelance job is being offered by a third party and is listed here On Writing Online for the benefit of writers wishing to earn an income from contract writing. Please do not contact me directly as I have no further details. Thanks and good luck!

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