26 Jun 2009

Articles Wanted on Aquarium Fish

Title:Fish Profile
Description:I want the structure of all articles to be the same. Here is how I want them:

1st paragraph: should talk about where the fish is from and what's is natural environment.

2nd paragraph: should describe the fish. This part is really important. People should be able to identify the fish after reading this.

3rd paragraph: Should talk about keeping this fish in the aquarium. Here are examples of what I am looking for: ideal setup, water parameter and best condition, aggressiveness, compatibility with other fish, feeding,
hardiness, minimum tank size and any other important fact about this fish.

I wrote over 600 saltwater fish profiles like this. If you know about aquarium fish and have some good references, writing this article should be quite easy.

I will buy full rights for this article.

Please contact me if you have any questions
Amount of articles:17
Price per article:$10-20
Length of article:500 - 600
Subjects:Celestial goldfish
Ranchu goldfish
Lionhead goldfish
Pom-pon goldfish
Telescope-eye goldfish
Moor goldfish
Ryukin goldfish
Oranda goldfish
Pearlscale goldfish
Fantail goldfish
Jikin goldfish
Platy Fish
Oscar - (Astronotus spp.)
Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae
Moenkhausia pittieri
Hemigrammus bleheri
Date requested:2009-06-25


To find out full details please click on one of the links above. This freelance job is being offered by a third party and is listed here On Writing Online for the benefit of writers wishing to earn an income from contract writing. Please do not contact me directly as I have no further details. Thanks and good luck!

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