17 Feb 2009

Articles Wanted on Men's Fashion and Style

Title:Men's Fashion and Style Articles
Description:I am looking for content in the category of men's fashion and
style (clothes, accessories, news, blogs, cars, and lifestyle).
Amount of articles:20
Price per article:$20-30
Length of article:200 to 500 words
Subjects:Men's fashion and style Date requested:2009-02-16


  1. HI,

    Do you need a Blogger still?

    I have written some pieces for a fashion website already but would love to get some paid work

    Please email me on loiswaller@btinternet.com



  2. Hi Lois

    these jobs posted are from other websites - there are links in the text. I post what seem to be interesting jobs so that as many writers as possible are aware of what is out there. To receive these then is good to subscribe to our RSS feed.

    One thing, please let me know if you wish your email address to remain in the above comment. Blogger has no editing facility for comments but I can remove it if you wish.



All comments are lightly moderated. Any comments deemed to be mere advertising will be removed. If you want a link to your site then create a link to any of our pages and the source will appear in the list of backlinks - it is a fair exchange. Anything else deemed offensive, or merely pointless, will also be removed. If you wish to submit an article then best go to the Submit an Article link in the top right column.
