17 Feb 2009

Article Wanted on Jobs for Work-Life Balance

Title:Jobs for Work-Life Balance
Description:Article looking at the jobs available for the best possible
work - life balance.
Amount of articles:1
Price per article:$40-50
Length of article:500 - 1000
Subjects:work life balance, jobs, careers


  1. Hey, I'm interested in this writing project but...how do I get in touch with you?

  2. Hi, Movie Guy

    I think you may have left a comment here before - the only reason I didn't post it was because you included your email address and wanted to avoid email harvesting for spam.

    Just follow the links in the article above. It is a third party request, not mine personally.

    In general, Blogger has no tool to edit comments - they either get posted as they are or I delete the spam and advertising puff. If you want to advertise then you have one link on your username. Thanks.


All comments are lightly moderated. Any comments deemed to be mere advertising will be removed. If you want a link to your site then create a link to any of our pages and the source will appear in the list of backlinks - it is a fair exchange. Anything else deemed offensive, or merely pointless, will also be removed. If you wish to submit an article then best go to the Submit an Article link in the top right column.
